"Love is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable."
~ Mahatma Gandhi
Just because times are hard, it doesn’t mean everyone should be out for themselves. It doesn’t mean that we should turn our back on others in need.
Just because we don’t have enough money for ourselves, let alone a charity, it doesn’t mean we can’t still give something.
"In this life we cannot always do great things.
But we can do small things with great love."
- Mother Teresa
Even when we have nothing, we can still give something. Time costs nothing. Love costs nothing. An idea, some reassurance, a helping hand, a sympathetic ear, a kind word. These things all cost nothing.
“What you do today can improve all tomorrows.
-Ralph Marston
We can still give, even when we have nothing. Pennies saved in a jar will eventually amount to a donation that can make a difference. Old clothes that no longer fit or suit, can keep a homeless person warm. Blood donated at the hospital, can save someone’s life.
“When we are no longer able to change the situation,
we are challenged to change ourselves.
-Viktor Frankl
There may literally be nothing physical that we can give. But that doesn’t mean we can’t give something non-physical. Change your perspective. Open your heart. It is the giving and receiving that counts in the flow of all things. Money is just one form of energy exchange – there are plenty of others. Love, kindness, help, support, inspiration, a moment of our time – giving these things freely and joyfully is of equal, if not greater importance.
"The difference between comfort and nurture is this: if you have a plant that is sick because you keep it in a dark closet, and you say soothing words to it, that is comfort. If you take the plant out of the closet and put it in the sun, give it something to drink, and then talk to it, that is nurture."
- Clarissa Pinkola Estes,
Women Who Run With the Wolves
Similarly, there is plenty to be done for the causes of this world aside from giving financial aid. If we want to continue supporting our favourite charities or causes but can’t afford to donate, help in other ways. Raise awareness. Lead by example. Volunteer. Teach. Inspire. Nurture. All the money in the world can’t change some grievances in the world, the only way to change them is to change the way we think.
"If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace."
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Give freely what you can, with love and joy. Give energy supporting what you believe in, rather than wasting energy fighting against that which you don’t. Work on changing yourself, in order to help change the world. That is one of the greatest gifts we can give. Imagine if we all gave that!
Finally, remember this.
“No one ever really knows how much anyone else is hurting. We could be standing next to someone who's completely broken and we'll never know, but if our own heart is full of love and compassion we could be that person’s saving grace.”
- Michele Burnell
If we have love, then there is nothing that we cannot give.
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