Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem,

see one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words."

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

There must be first the quiet or harmony in one's own self

if one would find harmony with the association with others

~ Edgar Cayce reading 1540-7

Saving Planet Earth

Here you will find information and links on saving planet earth through environmental activism, occupying within, and quantum activism, along with key charities, movements and events that can help raise awareness for the world.

Mother Earth is suffering at the hands of humanity, all because of the greed and selfish desires of those in power. Corporations and governments alike whose only desire is to make more money, at the expense of all that is sacred on our planet.

Humanity too, is suffering, for the very same reasons. Disaster capitalism, war profiteering, massive corruption across the controlling forces of the world - all these serve one purpose - to keep us in fear, and out of their way as they seek more and more power. 

We CAN make a difference. Change begins with ourselves, and whether you support a charity, get involved in peaceful protests or simply make small changes to the way you live, every little thing helps. The most important thing is not to fight what you know is wrong, but to live the way you know is right, and lead the world by example into a better future.