ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is
the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true.”
Edgar Allan Poe
There is much talk right now of awakening, of becoming empowered,
of changing the world.
Depending on what you read and what floats your boat,
you might have read about ascension, or planetary shifts, or public uprisings
against governments, or a rise in peaceful protests, or dark nights of the
soul, or facing your own shadows to become whole and healed.
I’ve read a lot about many of these things. We know it’s not
okay to push back when pushed, because all that leads to is a fight. But it’s
not all peace and love either. Nor is positive thinking on its own a magic wand
that can right all wrongs.
Much of it is about balance, and much of it is about
presence. Or rather, being present. When you are present, you can look more
constructively at your scenario, without letting your emotions, your patterns,
your ego, run away with you.
You come to realise that you just need to let go, and
Sometimes, it’s all about saying fuck you… and being okay
with that.
Sometimes, it’s all about stepping back, and being at peace,
and not having to be right or have your opinion heard… and being okay with
that, too.
You can’t have your light without shadow. They co-exist.
They are one and the same, because they combine to make all of what you are.
your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other
Carl Jung
Being powerful isn’t about power. Being powerful is about
being empowered. Desire to seek power over something or someone stems from fear
and a need to control. But empowerment is freedom – it is about letting go and
surrendering and tapping into your core self – delving into every part of you
and returning to the surface, knowing yourself well enough to know what you
want, and who you are, and then going out and doing what it is you want to do,
and being who you truly are. Living and speaking your truth is the greatest
empowerment of all, and by doing so, you empower others by inspiring them to do
the same.
Nike says, just do it, that’s a message of empowerment. Why aren’t the rest of
us speaking to young people in a voice of inspiration?”
Naomi Klein
You can read a million books and take a million workshops,
but eventually there comes a point where you have to trust YOU. Listen to YOU.
Your soul knows. You just have to go inside and find it. You come to realise
that those million books and workshops are, in essence, all saying variations
of the same things. Just as all stories stem back to one of a handful of
universal archetypes, so too do the wisdoms of life all stem back to a handful
of fundamental truths.
Similarly, you can repeat the same life lessons over and
over, remain stuck in the same patterns for the rest of your life. Or you can
choose to learn what you are being taught, and have the freedom to let go, and
move on.
is progress whether ye are going forward or backward!
The thing is to move!”
The thing is to move!”
Edgar Cayce
It’s easy, oh so easy, to stay stuck in those comfy habits,
and patterns, and comfort zones. But we will never achieve our dreams if we
stay there. We are energy. Everything around us is energy. To get in the flow,
we need to get that energy moving to us, and from us. We don’t achieve that by
sitting around thinking about things, although that can help us reach the
realisation in the first place. We achieve what we want to achieve by taking
Just do it!
talents are the most lovely and often the most dangerous fruits on the tree of
humanity. They hang upon the most slender twigs that are easily snapped off.”
Carl Gustav Jung
We are all born with an innate gift that we can bring to the
world, and that can change the world too. Whether that be the entire world, or
the world of one single person, it doesn’t matter. Everything we do as an act
of love is vital and important.
The reason so many people never seem to achieve their dreams
or realise their talents is because they spend all their life planning and
thinking and dreaming, but not doing. There is no reason to put it off until
tomorrow, or keep on practising in secret until perfect. Don’t focus on the
goal, because that just turns it into something far away and often seemingly
impossible. The truth is that nothing is about the goal. It is all about the
journey. That is how you fail and learn, and grow and come to create something
even more wonderful, even more powerful, than you originally dreamed.
Every day, we are giving our power away to fears, doubts,
lack, excuses, ego, other people, and those with false power.
No more.
Embrace the journey. Take action right now. All you need to
do is to begin, and allow yourself to go with the flow of where life takes you.
Let’s start taking back our power, today.