Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem,

see one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words."

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

There must be first the quiet or harmony in one's own self

if one would find harmony with the association with others

~ Edgar Cayce reading 1540-7

Thursday, 29 September 2011

The Fear Factor

“Don’t move the way that fear makes you move.

Move the way love makes you move.

Move the way joy makes you feel.”
- Osho

It often feels like the world is stuck in a cycle of fear. Governments, corporations and the media have become experts at exploiting those fears, and using them to control us to their advantage.

The daily barrage of news focuses on financial worries, recessions, war, violence, broken societies, tragedies, failings, struggles.

All keeping society locked in fear, either consciously or subconsciously. Power has always been sought, throughout history, and much of it gained through fear and consequent obedience.

It serves the governments and the media well to keep people in such a state. Why? Because when you are living from a basis of fear, you feel powerless. When you are not based in fear, you are living with peace and love, and that is when you begin to realise you ARE powerful. And if everyone started waking up to that fact, they would start to realise that rather than living under that control, we can change and control the transformation of them.

“Convert difficulties into opportunities, for difficulties are divine surgeries to make you better.

- Unknown

F.E.A.R. is a popular acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Given that fear comes from our ego, which is not who we truly are at all, then this actually holds a lot of truth.

Overcoming fear is not easy. Fear flows from our ego, embedded with all of the core patterns we contain within, which stem right back to childhood. It permeates, chokes and paralyses, leaving us unable to live the full lives we want to. The key to conquering fear and the patterns that feed it is to live in the present moment, in complete awareness.

We all have a shadow side. Embrace it. Know that it balances you and makes you who you are.

Religion, family beliefs, culture, governments, media, peers – all these and more contribute to a build-up of thought patterns within us. Make the conscious decision to step out of this cycle! Don’t view fear as bad, but as something to teach us the most valuable lessons about ourselves. Once we go within, face our fears and then overcome them, we free ourselves. Not just from our own personal fears that hold us back, but also from the hold that misguided beacons of power hold over us.

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein

The saddest part for me, when watching or reading of injustices or unrest in the world, is that people will get fired up about them, but then they are forgotten again, left to settle in the dust in vain.

We are ALL powerful. Even if you only contribute in small ways, imagine the difference it would make if everyone did the same? (More on that theory in future posts).

The time has come to stop turning a blind eye to the corruption and injustice that lies not just on your doorstep, but across the world. We are not powerless to change things. We CAN transform the way society works.

It starts with us. It starts with YOU. 

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